Vegetative Dystonie

By | June 10, 2022

Vegetative dystonia refers to diverse symptoms of dysfunctions of the vegetative nervous system. Nerves that are not controlled voluntarily and trigger health or psychological symptoms are affected . Those affected find vegetative dystonia to be very distressing.

What is vegetative dystonia?

Autonomic dystonia manifests itself in different ways. It is actually a misguided tension that influences the heartbeat, digestion or breathing through the vegetative nervous system . Symptoms from the heart to the circulatory system, headaches or diarrhea can occur. For laryngocele meaning, please visit

The vegetative dystonia is controversial among doctors because the different symptoms make a specific diagnosis difficult. They range from headaches, heavy sweating to insomnia or dizziness. The heart rate increases or decreases, and the person’s hands tremble.

Many symptoms often occur at the same time. The autonomic nervous system is also responsible for an irritable bladder, which is characterized by a constant urge to urinate. If chronic pain occurs, the cause of which cannot be clarified, a disease of the vegetative nervous system, vegetative dystonia, is suspected.


The causes of vegetative dystonia are often physical and mental factors, but social factors also have an influence on well-being. Mental stress affects this sensitive balance.

The loss of a partner or problems at work cause physical ailments that the doctor might diagnose as vegetative dystonia. Risk factors such as stress, unhealthy diet, alcohol and smoking are also harmful. An imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems can cause autonomic dystonia.

The sympathetic nervous system creates tension, accelerated breathing and allows the body to remain in flight or fight like the hunter-gatherer of old. The parasympathetic nervous system, which ensures regeneration and the necessary relaxation, is completely different. The autonomic nervous system, to which the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are subordinate, controls all automated functions of the human body.

Symptoms, Ailments & Signs

A vegetative dystonia can manifest itself through a variety of different symptoms that are difficult to classify. These non-specific signs include headaches, dizziness, digestive problems such as diarrhea or constipation, problems falling and staying asleep and increased sweating.

The heart rate can be slightly increased, but it can also be decreased, and there is often a slight tremor in the hands. In the context of vegetative dystonia, a so-called hyperkinetic heart syndrome often occurs, which is associated with an accelerated heartbeat and significant fluctuations in blood pressure. Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by abdominal pain, bloating and a change in bowel habits, while an irritable stomach is characterized by a feeling of fullness and loss of appetite.

Patients often suffer from a constant urge to urinate due to an overactive bladder and have to urinate frequently. Shortness of breath, shortness of breath and drowsiness caused by increased inhalation ( hyperventilation ) occur, and cramps in the extremities and back pain due to cramped muscles are also possible. The ability to concentrate can be limited, often a decrease in memory, severe tiredness, increased irritability and nervousness are observed.

Many patients report a decrease in sexual desire. Autonomic dystonia can be assumed if the symptoms are associated with severe or long-lasting psychological stress, chronic stress or another mental disorder such as an anxiety disorder and physical causes can be ruled out.

Diagnosis & History

The diagnosis of vegetative dystonia requires precise clarification in the form of a discussion with the doctor. When the medical history is taken, possible risk factors, prescribed medication and any symptoms that have occurred are clarified.

A physical exam can help look at the symptoms in more detail. Blood pressure measurements and a blood test rule out possible inflammation in the body and circulatory fluctuations. ECG or X-rays as well as ultrasound examinations also clarify further. Perhaps there is a nutrient deficiency or a hormonal imbalance that shows up in physical symptoms.

If there are no signs of actual physical causes, the conclusion that it is vegetative dystonia is often left. As a rule, such a diagnosis cannot be clearly proven by the doctor, but it cannot be ruled out due to the lack of physical findings.


This disease causes various symptoms. They all have a very negative effect on the quality of life of those affected and can significantly reduce it. As a rule, they suffer from strong inner restlessness and irritability.

Insomnia and permanent nervousness can also occur and lead to significant problems in the patient’s everyday life. Most of those affected also suffer from dizziness and continue to vomit or feel sick. It also causes headaches and permanent tiredness and exhaustion in the patient.

The worsened blood circulation leads to cold hands, constipation or flatulence. In some cases, the disease can also lead to sexual reluctance and thus promote complaints or complications with one’s own partner. If the disease is not treated, heart problems often occur, which in the worst case can lead to the death of the person concerned.

Treatment is carried out with the help of drugs and various therapies. Usually there are no further complications. Complete healing is not always guaranteed. The disease may also have a negative effect on the life expectancy of the person affected and reduce it.

When should you go to the doctor?

Recurring disorders of the gastrointestinal tract indicate health irregularities. A doctor is needed if symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain or constipation occur regularly over several weeks or sporadically over several months. Recurring headaches, dizziness or stomach problems should also be discussed with a doctor. Abnormal heart rhythms, unpleasant flatulence, loss of appetite or a feeling of fullness are signs of an existing illness.

Loss of concentration, loss of physical and mental performance and increased emotional irritability should be discussed with a doctor. Fluctuations in blood pressure, a diffuse feeling of being unwell or feeling ill are further signs of a health impairment. Loss of libido, anxiety, or muscle problems also need further investigation. A visit to the doctor is advisable if you experience any abnormalities when going to the toilet, breathing disorders or cramps.

Frequent urination is a typical symptom of vegetative dystonia. If the everyday obligations cannot be fulfilled as usual due to the symptoms, a medical examination is recommended. The loss of joie de vivre and a persistent reduction in well-being are considered by physicians to be warning signals from the organism. A follow-up visit should be initiated so that it can be clarified whether there is a need for action and whether a therapy plan needs to be drawn up.

Treatment & Therapy

The doctor decides on the treatment for vegetative dystonia. If the symptoms persist, it may be advisable to start psychotherapy. Depending on the actual trigger for vegetative dystonia, this disease usually responds well to psychotherapeutic measures.

It makes sense to offer the person concerned ways and means to handle the symptoms that arise more easily and still be able to cope with everyday life. Such supporting processes take place in cognitive behavioral therapy. The symptoms are often just warning signs for other processes that need to be resolved and processed. Those affected avoid experiencing triggering situations again, which sets a vicious circle in motion. A trained psychotherapist tries to offer those affected ways to cope and to control the vegetative dystonia. Relaxation techniques such as Qigong, autogenic training and walks also help to process vegetative dystonia more easily.

Drugs are only used for vegetative dystonia if they reduce the pressure on those affected. These are, for example, painkillers, but also antidepressants, which the doctor prescribes after consultation with the patient. Thus, the vegetative dystonia is only treated in the short term. Drugs are not intended for the long-term treatment pathway for vegetative dystonia.

More than half of the people suffering from vegetative dystonia experience the symptoms that appear easily and the situation also improves again. Only anxious or negative people suffer longer from these symptoms and continue to avoid certain situations. In addition, depression or anxiety disorders often worsen the prognosis of vegetative dystonia.


A positive attitude and a healthy lifestyle, combined with a nutritious diet and exercise, help to prevent vegetative dystonia. Withdrawing from family and friends is not advisable in the case of vegetative dystonia, as it has an unfavorable effect on the course. A vegetative dystonia is not a final judgment. Of course, there is hope even in the case of a severe course with increasing symptoms, some of which are chronic. In general, vegetative dystonia can develop back.


After the diagnosis of vegetative dystonia, it is important for the person affected to reconsider their previous lifestyle. Special psychotherapies can help the patient to restore mental balance and alleviate the symptoms associated with the disease. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or yoga also have a positive effect on the disease.

General restlessness and nervous sleep disorders are typical symptoms of vegetative dystonia and can be reduced with the use of herbal preparations. The regular intake of valerian has proven itself for many patients, which reduces waking up at night and also has a relaxing and antispasmodic effect on the frequently occurring irritable bladder. Hop extracts and passion flower preparations calm nervous restlessness and anxiety.

Lemon balm helps with stomach and intestinal disorders and also has a calming effect. Extracts from St. John’s wort influence the metabolism in the brain and are particularly helpful against depressive moods and psychovegetative disorders. An intact social environment is important and often helps the patient to better deal with the disease.

Sufficient leisure activities are just as necessary as social contacts. An overall positive attitude to life, a relaxed lifestyle with a healthy diet and sufficient exercise can help those affected to alleviate or completely overcome vegetative dystonia.

You can do that yourself

Those affected can reduce the existing sensitivities to a certain extent through special training. In addition, all disease processes can be positively influenced if there is a nervous and mental balance in the patient. Inner peace is of great value in the healing process. The symptoms should be a reason for those affected to reconsider their lifestyle.

There are also home remedies that are well suited for the treatment of vegetative dystonia. Valerian is tried and tested because it calms restlessness, reduces excitement and can promote sleep in particularly nervous insomnia. In addition, valerian reduces nocturnal awakenings and can also improve daytime well-being. It also has a relaxing and antispasmodic effect on the frequently occurring irritable bladder, gastritis and bedwetting. Hop extract also has a calming effect on states of anxiety and restlessness and promotes gastric juice production to help with nervous loss of appetite and stomach problems.

The passion flower is also particularly worth mentioning. It helps with nervous restlessness and is anxiolytic. It also has an antispasmodic effect on the muscles that are unconsciously controlled in those affected, such as the intestines. This also applies to lemon balm. It alleviates gastrointestinal disorders and has a calming effect in the event of nervous insomnia. Above all, however, St. John’s wort extract can influence the metabolism of neural messengers and their receptors in the brain. It helps with depressive mood states and psychovegetative disorders.

Vegetative Dystonie